Trying to post this for a while to my blog. Hopefully it works this time. Great video. A classic.
"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin." --Aldous Huxley
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Snow Removal
To those who constantly suggest that it's illegal to shovel snow into the street (yeah, I'm looking at you Matt Galloway), I ask you: where would you suggest we put it? You'll see here my neighbour, like the vast majority of people on our street, has piled snow as high as she can against the house.
Headbanging does create risk of brain damage, says study
Monday, December 15, 2008
Nui Blanche
Friday, December 12, 2008 | entertainment | The Day the Earth Stood Still: Misbegotten makeover
Manager Achieves Full Mastery Of Pointless Managerial Jargon
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Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
Writing Teaching Book
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
I don't believe it
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Good Post on the State of Digital Media in Canada
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Obama's Victory
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sarah Silverman and The Great Schlep
OK this is pretty funny and OK maybe more than a little offensive. Offensive in a good way maybe?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Large Hadron Rap
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Thursday, July 03, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Catch Up
It's been quite some time since I've submitted a blog post. I have a strange relationship with my blog. One the one hand I have very few readers so in a sense it's more like a diary. On the other hand I know that it's essentially a public document so I'm very hesitant to discuss issues that are actually meaningful to me. This tension between private and public often prevents me from making any posts at all. Anyway, one of the many posts I didn't make was regarding TVO Kids day I attended at Black Creek Pioneer Village. Great fun! As you can see above I got the chance to meet Steve Paikin, host of The Agenda. That was kind of exciting for me as I have a lot of respect for his work. The kids also had a blast (yes, I was there mostly for the kids). Here they got a chance to meet Polkaroo "in person". What exactly is Polkaroo anyway? Polkaroo made a lot more sense when he was 0n Polka Dot Door. Whatever . . . the kids love it. I must admit I was very impressed with the caliber of entertainment provided to the kids--and all for no other cost than that of admission. There were puppet shows, TVO Kids personalities doing skits and getting the kids to dance. We were there the entire day including buying the lunch there (the TVO Kids meal which included lunch bags one of which I'm now using). Great day!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
York University | Experiential Education - Atkinson | Video
Check out my time in the limelight. I come across as a bit of an idiot but I can't believe how eloquent the students are. They should be very proud.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Junk Mail
Terry O'Reilly's Age of Persuasion segment on 23 things I'd like to change about advertising is great stuff. An interesting note: his website includes a link to the red dot campaign which suggests that in addition to posting a notice on your mailbox indicating you don't want junk mail, you need to send a note to Canada Post that indicates your wish to not receive unaddressed junk mail (or ad-mail as Canada Post prefers to call it).
The note that the red dot campaign supplies for you reads:
Please remove me from all unaddressed mail distribution. This letter, combined with a “No Junk Mail” sign on my mailbox, expresses my wish to stop receiving unaddressed flyers and mail. I understand that it may take a couple of weeks before the database is adjusted and the junk mail stops.
I also understand that Canada Post will still deliver some unaddressed items, such as community newspapers and letters from the House of Commons, provincial and municipal electoral offices and Elections Canada. And I realize that some unaddressed mail comes from distributors other than Canada Post, so I may still receive mail from these other services.
This would be ideal. After listing to O'Reilly's episode, but before I knew about the red dot campaign, I wrote Canada Post a rather testy email:
I understand there is a way to opt-out of unaddressed admail but after searching on your site for 45 minutes I've given up trying to find the form I need to fill out.
I received this response:
Consumers who do not wish to receive unaddressed material should put a note to this effect on their mail receptacle. The note should be placed inside the receptacle in the case of a community mailbox, group mailbox or postal box. As a result of such a note being placed on or inside a mail receptacle at a particular address, Canada Post will no longer deliver the following mail items: free samples, coupons, flyers and newspapers, government mailings, free distribution magazines, catalogues, non-profit and event information. As well, Canada Post will no longer deliver municipal service notices (e.g. schedule of snow removal, changes in garbage pick-up, announcement of town hall meetings). However, since Canada Post is only one of many distributors of unaddressed materials, consumers may continue to receive these materials from other distributors. The only unaddressed materials that Canada Post will continue to deliver to these customers are as follows: community newspapers, as well as House of Commons, provincial chief electoral officers, municipal electoral offices and Elections Canada mailings.
NB, that the list I received from Canada Post is a lot more exhaustive and includes things I would actually like to get, like municipal service notices (it also doesn't say anything about having to send a note to Canada Post which actually makes things easier). Sigh . . . I can't decide if I want to opt-out or not because, as usual, they make you opt-out of so much more than you want.
Thursday, March 06, 2008 - Exit, the Dungeon Master
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Sunday, March 02, 2008
Finn Fun
Today Irmina and I traded places. She took Asha to church and I looked after Finn. Irmina thinks it's a good idea for Finn and me to spend more time together so he bonds with a male role-model. I just like a change now and then.
I finished the breakfast dishes and then took a nap. My strategy when I want to nap with Finn is to lie down and fall asleep and after playing for a while around me, sooner or later, he lies down and falls asleep too (kind of a non-strategy strategy). Although he did lie down, he was quiet but awake when I woke up; so it was semi-successful. Afterward I gave him some lunch, did the dishes and we played. We played with his older sister's leap-pad, read some books, ate some snacks, and played in the tent.
He also played very well on his own for a few minutes while I graded a couple of papers. When the rest of the family returned we had both had fun together; and I felt better rested than I have in weeks. Irmina had done some errands including picking up for me that copy of Don Quixote that I've been wanting to read.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Agenda with Steve Paikin - Wanted: The Perfect Parent
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Subsidized Again
forever young?
Originally uploaded by smannion
As you may already know, my mum is a person who has mental health concerns. She has lately been forwarding all her mail to an imaginary person and her phone has been cut-off: probably because she didn't pay the bill.
She is also a person in subsidized housing. To maintain her subsidy her housing provider requires proof of income once yearly. Well since she's been ignoring all letters and she doesn't receive phone calls they were forced to jack up her rent to more than triple what she normally pays as of last December. In January her rent bounced altogether. I've been in touch with them and they're very sympathetic. In fact they are the ones that got in touch with me to inform me of the situation. I should also add that my mum would never accept what they're telling her because she insists, among other things, that rent is now free and that the prime minister has made it so.
Anyway, I called CPP and pleaded with them to send me her proof of income, or to even send it directly to her housing provider; but they said they couldn't because of privacy. In the end, however, they did agree to put my name on it and send it to her address.
So that Sunday I went to her house and told her that I was expecting a letter and to please save it for me. She said she would. Crossing my fingers I visited her again yesterday and lo and behold she produced the letter. Naturally she insisted I forward it on directly to a person she named (this person is in her head). Instead, I called her housing provider and faxed the information over. Yay! What's even better is that they will retroactively refund her money for the period she was charged market rent. Double Yay!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Clouds gather as 'sulky' Musharraf retreats to bunker
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Community Activism
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Feature: How to Stop Checking Email on the Evenings and Weekends
I gotta admit. These are some pretty useful tips.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Community Uprising
My neighbourhood is pissed at having our early years centre evicted by a member of the Leon's family.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Crazy Canuk Punk
How can you not love them. Featured recently on CBC's Sessions. Good punked out, high energy fun.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Alarming Bus Trips
I feel really badly about this. I wish I had done more. Maybe I should have been more forceful with the jerk. Maybe I should have insisted the driver call the police. It made me question some things. I guess there will be people in the world who will continue to do bad things no matter how nicely you ask them not to. That sounds ridiculously naive but it really was a shock to me. Particularly as a social worker and someone who really believes there are peaceful alternatives to every conflict. Am I wrong?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wasted Day
I HATE it when I waste a day. I have a huge amount of work to do and it feels like a frittered the day away (especially on the internet). What it means is either I stay late or bring work home so that everything gets done. It would have made so much more sense to do it during the work day. My new plan for Monday is to not actually turn on my computer until I've done a good chunk of the reading I have to do. I think this will be a good way to manage things.
New hitch in Bobby Fischer's marriage plans
I love the way this just appeared in Google Canada's news feed. The story is from way back in 2004. I'm thinking the biggest hitch in his marriage plans is that he died yesterday.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Videogames and You
Frighteningly, I can almost relate to this. Man I played some cool videogames when I was young. They seemed less high tech back then but somehow more engaging. Could of course have something to do with the fact that I'm older but I'm not sure that that's all there is to it. It's almost like filmmakers that make really crap movies that have amazing special effects. The F/X don't make them any less crap. I played some great games that were nothing but text, e.g., the famous Infocom games.
I should point out that most of my great memories of gaming were when I was with some buddy where we were either playing cooperatively or trying the beat the crap out of each other. Either way it was a very social experience and not really isolating at all. The great memory comes from that shared experience.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mac Mojo: The Office for Mac Team Blog
Mac Mojo: The Office for Mac Team Blog