Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Looking for Partners


I am the course instructor for Foundations of Social Work Research (SOWK 3070) this coming Fall at York University.

Part of the course involves connecting with community agencies and carrying out research projects that would be useful to them. In the past, agencies have asked for program evaluations, needs assessments, or the answers to other questions that furthered the agency's mission. Projects usually involve some literature search and the collection of some data. I am writing to ask you if you would be interested in participating.

You would need to have a question/problem that a group of 6-8 social work students could work on over a semester. You would also need to commit to attending the first class, to discuss your project, and last class (for presentations) as well as meeting with the students separately at least once and answering questions, as they come up, by email. You may even have two different questions/problems that you'd like a pair of student groups to work on and that certainly can be accommodated.

The classes begin on Sept 7 and are held in the evenings from 7-10pm. The final class is on Nov 30.

If you are interested, please let me know asap and I'd be happy to discuss it further. Alternatively, if you know of any social service/social justice agencies that might be interested, please pass this message along to them.