Friday, January 18, 2008

Wasted Day

48-Hour Internet Outage Plunges Nation Into Productivity

The Onion

48-Hour Internet Outage Plunges Nation Into Productivity

BOSTON-An Internet worm that disabled networks across the U.S. Monday and Tuesday temporarily thrust the nation into its most severe maelstrom of productivity since 1992.

I HATE it when I waste a day. I have a huge amount of work to do and it feels like a frittered the day away (especially on the internet). What it means is either I stay late or bring work home so that everything gets done. It would have made so much more sense to do it during the work day. My new plan for Monday is to not actually turn on my computer until I've done a good chunk of the reading I have to do. I think this will be a good way to manage things.

New hitch in Bobby Fischer's marriage plans

New hitch in Bobby Fischer's marriage plans

I love the way this just appeared in Google Canada's news feed. The story is from way back in 2004. I'm thinking the biggest hitch in his marriage plans is that he died yesterday.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Videogames and You

Half Of 26-Year-Olds Memories Nintendo-Related

The Onion

Half Of 26-Year-Old's Memories Nintendo-Related

BROOKLYN, NY—According to an fMRI of Philip Jenkins' brain during memory recall, his parietal lobe is activated equally for the words "mother" and "Banjo Kazooie."

Frighteningly, I can almost relate to this. Man I played some cool videogames when I was young. They seemed less high tech back then but somehow more engaging. Could of course have something to do with the fact that I'm older but I'm not sure that that's all there is to it. It's almost like filmmakers that make really crap movies that have amazing special effects. The F/X don't make them any less crap. I played some great games that were nothing but text, e.g., the famous Infocom games.

I should point out that most of my great memories of gaming were when I was with some buddy where we were either playing cooperatively or trying the beat the crap out of each other. Either way it was a very social experience and not really isolating at all. The great memory comes from that shared experience.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008